Create a Relaxing Outdoor Space Using Colour

Create a Relaxing Outdoor Space Using Colour

Spring will soon be on it's way which means now is the perfect time to think about how you're going to create a relaxing outdoor space that both you and your guests will enjoy.

When it comes to thinking about the layout of the garden and which plants should go where, it is also important to consider what colour you want to paint the fence or your garden shed as this can have an impact on how your guests feel when enjoying your space.

Colour can have an impact on your mood therefore it is important that you choose the right colour depending on how you want you and your guests to feel.

Not sure which colour to choose? To give you some inspiration we have included below examples of what some colours could enhance within our Osmo Country Colour range. Take a look below for some inspiration...

Orange (Light Ochre) - it is said that orange can create feelings of enthusiasm and excitement. 

Yellow (Sunflower Yellow) - did you know that yellow can help make a person feel more spontaneous and happy? It can also bring hope, laughter and give energy.

Red (Signal Red) - there are a few different ways in which red can affect your mood but some of the more positive ones are love and passion. 

Green (Fir Green) - this colour can help people feel rested and secure. It can also be associated with refreshment, peace and security. 

Blue (Royal Blue) - blue is a good colour if you're wanting to promote calmness and relaxation in your outdoor space.

If you have been inspired to take a little bit more thought when redesigning your space, why not click the link here to discover the colours above as well as the rest of the Osmo Country Colours range.