We are Official Osmo Stockists

We are Official Osmo Stockists

For those that haven't seen our website before, did you know we are official Osmo stockists? Osmo is one of the leading brands in wood oil providing both interior and exterior oils for wooden furniture.

They have 6 goals when it comes to creating the very best product for their customers both nationally and globally. Take a look...

Wood, Durable and Stable - the correct handling, processing and long-term protection of wood as a natural construction material has always been the utmost priority.

Colour that Protects - to achieve a suitable wood finish that retains it's natural beauty and durability for a long time takes some work. In fact, over 40 years of self development to find the right finish.

High Coverage - With just one tin of Osmo you can achieve near to double the square meter coverage of an ordinary finishing system, saving you time and money.

Natural Ingredients - The foundation of Osmo wood finishes has been based upon purified and refined natural resources which are carefully harvested natural oils and hard waxes.

No Sanding - Osmo natural wood finishes can easily be renovated at any time without the need for sanding.

Microporous - The wood remains microporous and continues to absorb and release water without damage. The surface can breathe and becomes anti-static, which attracts less dust and dirt.

If you haven't already tried Osmo, you're going to want to now! Click the link here to find out what Osmo products we proudly stock. 

Source: Osmouk.com